Is professional food photography worth the investment?

In a competitive and evolving food industry, business owners may question whether professional food photography is necessary. Is it a valuable investment, or just an added expense? For many, the idea of hiring a professional food photographer may not have even crossed their minds. But let's explore whether this service truly carries value, especially in a market facing its own unique challenges.

The impact of professional photography

To understand the difference professional photography can make, let’s compare results using a standard phone camera versus professional equipment. In this comparison, each image was styled identically and captured just seconds apart, with no changes other than the equipment used. The only variables here are the type of camera and the lighting: phone and ambient light versus a professional camera with controlled artificial lighting.

Phone Camera

This photo was taken with a phone on normal settings using ambient light, being a mix of natural light from windows and overhead lighting in a dining area.

In this example, the pancakes appear dull and flat, with minimal contrast between light and shadow. The yellowish tint makes the food look unappealing and old. Additionally, the background, which should be secondary to the pancakes, is distracting because everything is in focus.

Phone Camera in Portrait Mode

This image was taken with a phone, this time using portrait mode to blur the background, under the same lighting conditions as before.

As with the previous example, the pancakes appear dull and flat, with minimal contrast between light and shadow. The yellowish tint makes the food look unappealing and old. While the portrait mode attempts to create a more professional look by blurring the background, the result is unnatural. The blur applied to the edges of objects, like the bowl of strawberries, is harsh and artificial, detracting from the image.

Professional Camera and Lighting

This image was captured with a professional camera, using off-camera flash and diffusion to mimic natural light streaming in from a side window.

This photo, in contrast, highlights the pancakes with a soft gradient of light that gives them depth and makes them pop. The natural blur created by the lens adds to this depth, while the colours are more vibrant - even without any detailed post-production edits. Comparing the strawberries in each image clearly shows the difference in colour, depth, and detail that professional photography brings to the table.

How professional photography can benefit your business

While it's clear that professional photos look better, how does this translate into tangible benefits for your business, particularly in the challenging landscape of the food industry? Here are some compelling reasons:

  1. Drawing Customers: In an era where consumers often choose where to dine based on what they see online, visually appealing images can be the deciding factor. Professional photos make your dishes look irresistible, enticing potential customers to choose your establishment over competitors. With the industry's recovery still underway, every opportunity to attract diners counts.
  2. Competitive Edge: With many businesses vying for attention, professional photography gives you an edge. High-quality images set you apart from competitors who may rely on amateur photos, portraying your business as one that values quality and attention to detail. In a crowded market, this differentiation can be crucial.
  3. Luxurious Appeal: Professional photography can elevate your brand, creating a luxurious and upscale image that appeals to customers seeking high-quality dining experiences. This perceived value can justify higher prices and attract a clientele that appreciates and is willing to pay for premium experiences.
  4. Attracting Talent: The food industry in British Columbia, like many others, is facing staffing challenges. Professional, well-presented photos can not only draw in customers but also appeal to talented chefs and staff who want to be associated with a brand that showcases its offerings with pride. Attracting the right talent can be a game-changer in a competitive job market.
  5. Building Trust and Credibility: Professional photography can build trust with your audience. It shows that you care about the details, from the quality of your food to the presentation. This level of professionalism can translate into customer loyalty, especially in an industry where reputation is everything.
  6. Enhancing Marketing Efforts: Whether for social media, your website, or print materials, quality photos are essential for effective marketing. They can increase engagement, share-ability, and the overall impact of your campaigns. In British Columbia, where consumers are discerning and have plenty of options, powerful visuals can be the key to standing out.


In a province as dynamic and diverse as British Columbia, investing in professional food photography is more than just a nice-to-have — it’s a strategic decision that can elevate your brand, attract customers, and give you an edge in a competitive market. Whether you run a restaurant, café, or food blog, the benefits of high-quality imagery are clear and can make a significant difference in your business’s success.